The most modern intensive pet care and nursing center in the Baltic States has been opened at the Lazdynai Animal Hospital in Vilnius

2024 07 22

The new center houses an animal resuscitation and intensive care unit, where animals in the most difficult condition are treated and monitored around the clock, as well as separate dog and cat wards with all the latest monitoring equipment. The center will provide short-term care and nursing services for sick and elderly animals, according to a press release.

The department treats the most difficult cases

Aušrė Rubė, director of DR.VET, the country’s largest network of veterinary clinics, says that the investment in the new intensive care and nursing center amounts to about 100,000 EUR.

“We established this center after a sharp increase in cases where the pet’s life is in danger due to injuries, poisoning or various diseases. The available places in the hospital’s inpatient unit were no longer enough, so we more than doubled the number of places in the inpatient unit, as well as equipped it with all the latest equipment, thanks to which we can monitor all the main indicators of the animal’s condition and respond immediately around the clock”, says A. Rubė.

You can read the full article here.


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