
For informed investors only
Shares or financial instruments related with shares of Blue Chip companies listed in US stock exchange
100 000 000 USD
50 000 000 USD
2018 01 15


IAM US BlueChip Growth Fund I, a fund managed by I Asset Management, is an actively managed equity fund that invests in the shares of large capitalization US companies (blue chip) or derivative financial instruments linked to these shares.

The fund’s priority is growth stocks that have the potential to outperform the US stock market. To reduce the risk of individual companies, investments are made at least in the shares of five selected large-cap US companies.


Mantvidas Žėkas
Fund Manager | IAM US Bluechip Growth Fund I

Mantvidas Žėkas

Fund Manager | IAM US Bluechip Growth Fund I


  • Orion Securties – Head of Capital markets
  • Orion Securties – Senior financial broker
  • Orion Securties – Financial broker


  • Vilnius University – Bachelor of Economics

IAM US Bluechip Growth Fund I


Important information

Before making an investment decision, it is advisable to not only think carefully about your investment objectives, but also the risks, fees and costs that the fund incurs. Investments can be both profitable and unprofitable – you can lose part or even all of the amount invested. Historical returns do not guarantee future results. The Fund’s investments in foreign markets are affected by currency fluctuations and changes in the political and economic environment. Funds that focus on a single country or sector, or funds that invest in smaller companies, may experience higher value fluctuations or face liquidity challenges. Investing in emerging markets, real estate, currencies, fixed income instruments or alternative investments carries additional risks. Due to the specifics of some funds, higher capital gains payouts are possible than in other investments. You will find more detailed information on risks in the Fund’s prospectus and rules.

For more information related to the fund, please call +370 621 72826 or e-mail Please read the prospectus and other documents related to the fund carefully before investing.

Detailed information about the fund and the management company is provided when logging in to the client area.

Before making an investment decision, it is advisable to not only think carefully about your investment objectives, but also the risks, fees and costs that the fund incurs. Investments can be both profitable and unprofitable – you can lose part or even all of the amount invested. Historical returns do not guarantee future results. The Fund’s investments in foreign markets are affected by currency fluctuations and changes in the political and economic environment. Funds that focus on a single country or sector, or funds that invest in smaller companies, may experience higher value fluctuations or face liquidity challenges. Investing in emerging markets, real estate, currencies, fixed income instruments or alternative investments carries additional risks. Due to the specifics of some funds, higher capital gains payouts are possible than in other investments. More detailed information on risks can be found in the Fund’s prospectus and rules. Detailed information on the fund and the management company is provided when logging in to the client area.

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